Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Techno (Meeting 2 Reflection)

We meet again for another meeting and a lot of things happen. It was Tuesday June 17, 2014 and unfortunately I came late to the class. As a punishment I sang in front of my classmate it was little bit embarrassing because my voice is so nice that would not hear it again. A funny thing to experience at least I was able to perform with all the confident that I have. Many of us came late and I thought I was only the one but it was only my hallucination. After I preferred to sing I set together with my closest friend which is also late. I was just a little bit shocked because I don’t expect that we the students under Sir Gamboa are too many and my classmate told me that we were able to merge to the other section since they’re schedule will be on Saturday June 21, 2014. For the students who were able to absent to the last meeting they were ask to stand in front of us to explain why they did not able to attend the class. Of course some of them do not know that it’s okay to merge with the Tuesday class and some of them are still virgins. They did not yet know the policy, one by one they were able to talk and explain to Sir Gamboa they’re reason. I think half of my classmate was able to stand in front.
            After that we ask to answer the said activity it was connecting nine dots with just four strokes of lines. It was a simple problem but a complicated one. We were able to use our intellectual skills in terms of logic and comprehension in thinking fast. We are given fifteen minutes think if I’m not mistaken. Then after that Sir Gamboa ask to answer the problem and at first no one get the correct answer until there is a old student of Sir Gamboa who was able to experience or have already encounter that kind of activity and he did answer it really fast. We have different answer and different idea on how to connect it but there’s only one thing to answer that one. From that said activity we able to learn even to the simple problem there is a big moral lesson that you can learn. That never limit yourself to the things that you thought would be the end because by that there might be more interesting that may help you guide through the easy way. We can apply it in our daily living that if you think there are ways or options to go on then try those ways who knows it might be the big opportunity for you to succeed. Never let yourself fail because you afraid to try. Be the best as long as you can. Never lose hope because GOD never forgets us. He will never let you give a challenge if he knows you wouldn’t make it through the end. He will always guide us to the right way and it only up to us on how we decide. Making decision is a hard thing to do, you may sacrifice thing in order for you to reach your goal or may choose the wrong way. But still people fails and it doesn’t mean we can’t do it again. Try and try until we learn and succeed.
            After having the activity Sir Gamboa discussed the lessons pertaining to Technopreneurship. It was a little hard for me to hear because I’m right at the air conditioner and it was really noisy. I just asked my classmate what did Sir Gamboa is saying. Technopreneurship it is a simple entrepreneurship in a technology intensive context. Technopreneurs distinguishes themselves through their ability to accumulate and manage knowledge, as well as their ability to mobilized resources to achieve a specified business or social goal. It is a process of merging technology prowess and entrepreneurial talent and skills. It is someone who perceives an opportunity and creates an organization to pursue it. A person who undertakes risks that has the chance of profit. Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking and acting that is opportunity obsessed, holistic approach and leadership balanced for the purpose of wealth creation. Searches for change , responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity. Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploits change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service. Entrepreneurship pursuit of opportunity without regard to the resources currently under one’s control. If you want to become an entrepreneur, you must be a business minded person and your only mission is to start and own up your business. On the other hand, technopreneurship is the same as entrepreneurship. The only thing to consider is the technology that technopreneurs are equipped. There businesses are always in the field of technology. Some technopreneurs are always persistent of doing their own technology just to sell their ideas to different companies or establishments that needs them. Being a technoperneur you need to have discipline to yourself and balance you mind through different things that you may encounter. Maybe someday one of my classmates will become a successful enterepeneur who knows. We have different life to settle and different plan from GOD. We may not know it but I know it will be good for us. It may not be easy as what we expect but by all the courage and challenges we go through there is still hope. Sir Gamboa explains us all about technopreneurship, people have different mindset in terms about technopreneurship. There are usual mindset and alternative mindset. To our dear parents they have the usual mindset that they will sent their children to the school and after graduating they should find a good job that has big compensation. It is a usual mindset of our parents but we all knows that finding job is such a challenging part as we live in the real world of people. Many people compete just to find a better job it is like selling yourself to be presentable and intelligent just to impress them.

            Nowadays finding job is really difficult, yes you may get a job but the only problem is that the compensation that you will receive is just too small to support yourself how much more if you’re married and has the family to sustained. It would be very difficult that’s why many people choose to go outside the country to earn a big amount of money. They intend to sacrifice their love ones because they love them and they don’t want their family to suffer in poverty. Yes we did study and do our duty as a student but it would not be easy as parents tend to think about us. Our parents did a lot of hardship in terms of working so hard just to let their children go to school but they have put in their minds that things would not be working as we want it. It needs time, patience and effort. Like me I am a working student who prefers to leave my parents in Bohol. So here I am trying to do things properly even if things go wrong and even if how rough my life was meant to be. I know life would not be easy as what we intend to expect but let’s just have faith and believe in our self that we can do this. It is just a test on how strong we are in facing problems like this. My duty now is to become a good student who will take responsibilities. I may not know what the GOD has planned for me all I know id that He will never leave me good times and in bad times. There are different kinds of parents the first type parents are parents who are really forceful in their children’s pursuit of first class professions doctors or lawyers. They do not hide their expectations. They pressure the children to do well in school and unless results are stellar, they are punished. They need their children to be the best in their community to preserve their name and reputation. That was more important than the children’s happiness or satisfaction. No, their excuses are always the same: ‘I know what’s best of you and that is to be a doctor or a lawyer and earn lots of money.’ And gradually, this teaches the children to be competitive in their approach to life, which is detrimental to their abilities to find peace and work cooperatively in the future. The second type parents are slightly less forceful. These are the parents who are usually more exposed to the Western world than the first type parents. They want their children to be happy, or that’s what they say. They push instead of force their children to achieve high standards. And when the times come for the children to go for universities, they let them choose – or so they think. If the child chooses something in the first class or second class professions, they would be more than happy to support him emotionally and financially.
 However, if the child chooses something in the third class profession, they will tell the child to think again. To the second type parents, any third class profession that the child chooses is not the profession that the child really wants. They don’t express their expectations out clearly, but in their head they are quite similar to the first type parents. The only difference is their approach towards the child. While the first type parent will get it out of their child by force, the second type parent will talk it out of child by subtle manipulation. When accused to force their child into studying first or second class professions, they will deny it. Now, the last type of parents are the ones who allow their children to do anything they like, regardless of whether it is a first class, second class, or third class profession. To the typical Asian mindset, these kinds of parent are bad parents because they are not thinking about their children’s future welfare. But to the third type parent, as long as their children are raised up to think ethically, they have done their job well. What the child does when he grows up is not the parents’ choice. The child’s life does not say anything about the parents. All they want is for their children to be happy and satisfied with their jobs. And to do that, they as parents will support the children all the way in the children’s pursuit for happiness. Sadly, most Asian parents nowadays are still in the first and second categories. I believe it to be a fact based on my personal experience but there is nothing I can do unless the parents themselves start to change. By that we all know that parents just want what is the best for us in the near future.
            I like the way parents have disciplined as, we can see it by the hardship they fulfill just to make us send in the school. But there is also alternative mindset that should be in the minds of many people. Alternative mindset is letting our self see the reality that after a student graduate in a specified school they will have a big responsibility that should have been given a priority. It is usual to Filipino to say “Practical na ta karun” but the question is did we really help our own country in developing and molding through a better country? Yes, we study here in Philippines but many of us after the graduation go to the other palaces outside the country and who’s the one was achieving it was the other country not us. Our teachers did the hard work to teach students and molding students to learn and maybe we are the key who will help in achieving our country. There’s a saying that “Kabataan ang Pag asa ng bayan” but unfortunately it was not happening. Your own country developed you to become a better person but the one who benefited are the Americans as they prefer to work abroad. It is a wakeup call to everyone to see the problem and the mistakes that we almost did.
            It is not a bad thing to choose decisions for our own good, there’s no one who wants to suffer in poverty. All of us have the goal to reach our dream but let’s think of the future if we try to help our own country innovate technology and apply it in our daily living. We can help and we can share the talent that we have. We can be the start of our success by using the ability to innovate and build ideas that can be use in the near future.
            There are different kinds of alternative mindset first is “You’re Never old to try Something new".It is good thing if we try to help our own country or city to develop new things like technology. Simple ideas may bring big success to our people and to the coming fellow men. Share and recycle materials that can be use in building simple gadgets that might change our whole life. Life is simple and surprising we may not know that from the small invention it will become the most powerful and helpful thing to us people.
                       From the said activity we were able to know the things that will be good for us as we try to understand things we use to absorb it and make things clear in mind. There are also small issues that we do not want or we least like. From all the activities we've been through I don’t like parents usual mindset for their children they think that life would be that so easy if they see their children already graduated. It’s not a bad thing to think positive maybe we could make things so fast and find a job as we try it to but things like this is very hard. At first you will encounter difficulties in different ways of how GOD testing us. On how strong we are to not lost hope and keep on fighting until the end. Parents do love as much as our friend does. When I was little my mother used to tell me that someday I would understand everything and it always made me curious what secret sense did she and everyone else implied. But I could just guess and wait for the time when I'll be ready to understand this. And to be honest, I’m so close to start my adult life and I still don’t understand everything and sometimes I think that no one can completely do this. But, there are also a lot of things which I wish to never understand and to be again that girl who imagined that that was a secret code of a magic world of endless possibilities for adults. So, keeping to the point, I think that trying to protect us from real life some of parents can just overdo it and real truth just breaks into our world and crashes everything we used to believe in and then it completely changes everything, including us. So, in that way not all of us can easy take it and turn it into another life's experience. I consider, that also another important problem of relationship between parents and children is how hard is for parents to set the example for their children in our wild world. They teach us all the rules and Earth's laws? They tell us fairy tales, showing us that there's a clear line between good and evil. So, every child thinks that his parents are keeping all the rules and are perfect. But in fact, the parents, maybe, not really willing this, they have to do some things to survive in this horrible life with completely different social conditions and principles, and after all they have to keep their heads up, pretending that they're so right and excellent parents. I'm sure, it's really hard, but maybe, that's another problem of this relationship. That's why, I think that all the children have to accustom themselves that there aren't perfect people and if we really love our parents, we have to forgive them and to get to know all their sides, as we appreciate them in our lives. So, maybe, in that way, parents won't lie their children neither will their children in return. Of course, it will come with a time, but it will ruin some invisible wall between them and will make their love stronger and parent's life easier, because if the closest people as parents and their children pretend to each other, so there won't leave any frankness and honesty in our spoiled world. But let’s just try to understand our parents and let their dream for us come true, not an easy task but were surely be worth it. You also need to be determined in any job you have. Employers are looking for people who they can’t trust to be responsible, hard workers. If you can show them that you can efficiently get your work done, then you will be more likely to get promotions and raises. Businesses also want hardworking people to fill their management positions. Hard work is also essential in sports. This was my first year playing badminton and I loved it. I want to try out for the high school team next year, but since I’ve only played one year I need a lot of practice. I’ve had to work very hard to get to improve my skills. In conclusion, hard work is the only way to excel in life, especially in Sports, academics, and at a job. You can’t go through life assuming that people will do your work for you or that you’re not equipped to do something. You need to take charge and work hard. On the other hand sometimes things don’t happen as what we try to expect. Alternative mindset set as the goal to help our own city or our own country to improve and to stay away from poverty. We supposed to work here in the Philippines but the usual thing is that some of us prefer to go outside the country which is a practical thing if we talk about money. We try to discover and create something that could bring great thing to us. We could innovate things like creating technologies that would really help every people living on earth and by that we have the chance to achieve and bring victory to our country but things might get into complication. Sometimes the problem would be on how we can create those things in our mind if we know we don’t have the resources which is really a disappointing to every one of us. There is a saying “Clouds may come, but clouds must go, and they all have a silver lining. For behind each cloud you face, there is a sun shining behind it.” Everybody has heard these old sayings since they were kids and by now they are banalities. However, these sayings are constantly repeated throughout history from generation to generation because they hold truth and reasoning of reality in them. They aren’t just dull and bland statements, they offer insight to dilemmas that everyone will and must face. In life, everyone will face disappointment; it’s an inevitable fact of life. Some disappointments will be catastrophic while others will just be a minor mishap. Nonetheless, disappointments frequently have good side to them. Disappointment can lead to personal growth. When face with failure, most people tend to just give up and act wander around aimlessly. Others, on the contrary, seek out ways to improve and advance themselves so they have better chances for success in their near futures. Philanthropist and Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates once said “I am where I am today because I understood that discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success and its fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” Gates is saying that he became successful not come despite his failures but because of his failures. With every entrepreneurship idea that was criticized and chastised by others, Bill Gates continued his path to achieve success, look at him now critics. Disappointments are an unavoidable part of life, but when an individual learns to cope with failure, that failure converts to success. Now and again the good side of disappointment takes a while to reveal its appearance. I personally experience a lot of difficulties in life and been through many discouragement. Now I’m hoping that things will be fine. I have a lot of dreams or goals for the future. Setting those goals is not a bad thing to do but sometimes will bring you to a big disappointment. Someone told me to stop thinking for the things that might happen in the near future because thinking those were only bring headache to you and expectation come through. He said to just go on and enjoy life whatever it takes weather it will be god or bad. And by that I was able to realize things in its own way of bringing reality in my mind. 
                    Regarding with the alternative mindset, there are also negative things that we can see in any angle. Yes we are trying to make our country better we go to school and encounter different people, attitude, and new environment. Us we go through our way we become fiercer and look things maturely. From being immature person we became fully matured person that knows how to handle difficult things. School helps us, and by that we tend to reach our goal in life. I have always been an average student in my class. This hurt my feelings and then I resolved that I shall study very hard and become a programmer or a web designer. I wanted to be placed among the first three at the end of each examination. If you want to succeed in life you need to be a hardworking person. From getting a job to excelling in school your need to make an effort. Also people will trust you more for this. As a result they will give you more leniencies. If you want something you need to be proactive and take the initiative. One area where this is particularly important is academics. If you work hard in school it will result in getting into the college you want and getting good grades. For example math doesn’t come naturally to me so I’ve had to study and practice to get better. Also if you get your assignments done then you will also have more free time. 
            Back on the topic of being a student, now I even don’t imagine the things that will happen to me if I would be able to graduate from college. People told me to study hard as long as I can now they are expecting me to graduate this year. Facing back to reality I know it would be really hard and it will take a lot of pressure. Teachers have the big rules in helping us students. They have the big rule in molding our self to become better person. Schools are one of the first places where kid’s behavior and future educational success is shape. Teachers are carriers of either positive or negative behavior toward students. The reason why the first years of school are so critical is because kids learn the base of their educational life. I believe that teachers must love their career in order for them to pass enthusiasm, to assists, and to provide a warm environment to the students. In my opinion teachers are the second mothers or fathers for the students because students spend a lot of time with their teachers. At the same time. I believe a real teacher becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field. The same way, fathers/mother is not born being great father/mother but as their experience with their kids expands they become experts on the field. We know that fathers/mothers look the best for their kids and one of their goals is to raise their kids so they can become professionals and pioneers for the society. Some of the mother’s role toward kids is to give them care, love, respect, lead, instruct and to try to form a safe and pleasant environment at their homes. I believe that a teacher is someone who becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field. I have not found a teacher who is an expert the first day of their profession. I believe that is urgent for everyone who is a teacher or is planning to become one to get prepare in the field the best they can. All teachers who get prepare will know how to set up rules in the classroom. Those kinds of teachers will probably have fewer problems in their classroom because they will be able to control the classroom. There are all types of teachers some are better than others. Through my life I had some professors who were well prepared and some who were not. I had some teachers who just came into the class and stared teaching. They did not get involve with the students. I rarely talked to them. Those teachers did not show any concern about what the students were feeling. One way for a teacher to get students involve in the classroom is to ask them questions. I remembered there were some students at the class that were shy including me who did not have the chance to get involved in the class or to participate. Therefore, I believe the way students act depends on the teacher’s attitude. That is why I strongly recommend all teachers to invite the student to participate in the class. It is very important that teachers encourage students because students will benefit from it sometimes, the teacher’s caring attitudes could have a long positive or negative influence on students. Student’s self-esteem could be lift up because it could create ambitions in their minds for future academic success. Sometimes, the behavior of students demonstrates that something is not going right. Therefore, I think teachers must pay attention to any suspicious sings that could bother the student. As teacher is our responsibility to find out what is going on with the students in the classroom. Kids deep in their hearts feel that teachers could help them but sometimes they are afraid to ask the teacher.
            But after all of that even if we have different thoughts whether we like it or not things happen for a
reason. Teachers maybe are sometimes difficult to understand but we know all of this will help us in the near future. Let’s just think positive and be determined to do new things.

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