Monday, June 30, 2014

(Techno 3 idiots)

            I have already watched many movies whether love story, comedy or horror but one movie that marks in my mind and it was the 3 idiots. I think everyone of us knows about it and can relate the plot of the story especially the student like us. The situations really happen in reality terror teachers, intelligent student and of course idiots.  I’ll try to recall what happen in the movie because I have seen it on the past two years I think. I've watched the movie together with my friends in our personal computer. It is a nice story that will bring lessons and teaches us to be a good student who doesn't give up in spite of all the circumstances that we can encounter as we live. One of the most affected people in this movie is mostly the engineering students who try to do their best just to have the title as an engineer.
 College life is one of the hardest part to achieve as a person who dreamed to have a better life in the future. This is the part where we struggle too hard just to do all the requirements in the school. From quizzes, assignments, projects and so on. College life is not an easy thing as what others are thinking. It is the part we’re we get stressed, depressed, sad, happy and all the emotions that you can experience will be found in college life and it could really happen to anyone. You will found yourself in tip of the mountain trying so hard to be a good rule model of the youth like us. They said before you reach your goal you’ll need to know first the word hardship because this is we’re all begin. The ideal college lifestyle dissipates quickly once the reality is reached. Many young adults imagine vivid pictures of what college might be like for them. However, once these young adults mature into independent men and women, and enter into the school of their choice, they soon realize the reality of the college lifestyle. They must learn to adapt to their new surroundings as quickly as possible to accomplish the sought after degrees. Students come to the realization that life is not as easy as they might hope for. Many young adults seem to believe that college life is filled with parties and typically a laid-back lifestyle. These students believe that, much like high school, classes will be taken during the day and filled with all their friends. They imagine a lifestyle with no other worries besides an occasional essay or lab. It is often said that college is the greatest time of one’s life; many high school students believe this and look forward to it. Many students enter college expecting good times, knowledge, friendships, and a new sense of direction. They soon find out that college comes with challenges and struggles because of the great demands and expectations that are put on the importance of education. College students experience a great deal of stress, especially when they are trying to balance a full time job, raise children, and have a social life. The demands of doing many different things with very little time can become overwhelming. The daily tasks of working and meeting the demands of job obligation can leave a college student exhausted. There are a limited number of students who work full time jobs and attend college full time. Others still work late and get up in the wee hours of the morning trying to fit all of the required tasks of school and work into one day. Students often find themselves more exhausted when they are trying to schedule tasks, because there just does not seem to be enough time in one day. Putting in long hours and worrying about class schedules adds stress to a student life.

           Back in the 3 idiots movie Farhan Qureshi (R. Madhavan), Raju Rastogi (Sharman Joshi), and Rancchoddas "Rancho" Shyamaldas Chanchad (Aamir Khan) are three engineering students who share a room in a hostel at the Imperial College of Engineering, one of the best colleges in Indi where many intelligent students prefer to study. While Farhan and Raju are average students from uncertain backgrounds, Rancho is from a rich family. Farhan wants to become a wildlife photographer, but has joined engineering college to fulfill his father's wish. Well many of us student relate to this lind of situation that was pushes themselves to study courses they don’t like because they love too much their parents and afraid to disobey them. Raju on the other hand wants to uplift his family fortunes. Rancho is a wealthy genius who studies for the absolute joy of it. However, Rancho's passion is for knowledge and taking apart and building machines rather than the conventional obsession of the other students with exam ranks. With his different attitude Rancho experiences the anger of dean of college, Professor Viru Sahastrabudhhe (ViruS) (Boman Irani). Of course in the movie there is a bad character and it is their teacher. We encounter terror teachers as we go to college life, their role is to have as suffer but those entire thing that they've done is all for our good. Rancho annoys his lecturers by giving creative and personal answers, and confronts ViruS after fellow student Joy Lobo hangs himself in his dormitory room. I guess you have some issues in the campus or any schools of some scary story of suicidal of a student. It usually happens when a student is over depressed and overcome many disappointments in life and of course doing that sin is a bad idea for us. It is natural to encounter difficult challenges but let’s just take it as a challenge and just do our best to fulfill our duty as a student. Joy had requested an extension on his major project on compassionate grounds his father had suffered a stroke but ViruS refused, saying that he himself was completely unaffected by his own son's accidental death after being hit by a train. Rancho criticizes the rat race, dog-eat-dog, mindless rote learning mentality of the institution, blaming it for Lobo's death. Many had become sad to what happen of their fellow student which made them angry and blame it to their teacher Virus. It is certainly true that many teachers become too harsh of their student but doing that such thing is not a good idea it’s like pushing students to hate that kind of character or to dislike them and I know some teachers who have a hard characteristic towards the student. One also of the character of the movie is Chatur Ramalingam or "Silencer", (Omi Vaidya) who sees a high rank at the prestigious college as his ticket to higher social status, corporate power, and therefore wealth. Chatur conforms to the expectations of the system. Rancho humiliates Chatur, who is awarded the honor of making a speech at an award ceremony, by substituting vulgarities into the text, which has been written by the librarian. As expected, Chatur mindlessly memorizes the speech, without noticing that anything is a miss, partly helped by his lack of knowledge on Hindi. His speech becomes the laughing stock of the audience, annoying the authorities in the process. I know some students who just become an honor because he or she only memorizes all of activities in the school which is a bad idea. Memorizing something or all of the stuff activities in school is not good for us student we also have to understand those things that has been teaches us. By that way we will know and might be able to stand up by his own knowledgeable way.
            To all the things that happen to them they have realized something that made them embrace the reality of being true to themselves. After all they will be the one who will suffer if they continue. The experience has changed Farhan and Raju, and they adopt Rancho's outlook. Farhan decides to pursue his love of photography, while Raju takes an unexpected approach for an interview for a corporate job. He attends in plaster and a wheelchair and gives a series of non-conformal and frank answers. However, ViruS is insensitive and promises to make the final exam as hard as possible so that Raju is unable to graduate. Pia hears him and angrily confronts him, and when ViruS gives the same ruthless reply he gives to his students, she denounces him in the same way that Rancho did over the suicide of Lobo. Pia reveals that Viru's son and her brother was not killed in an accident but committed suicide in front of a train and left a letter because ViruS had forced him to pursue a career in engineering over his love for literature; ViruS always mentioned that he unsympathetically failed his son on the ICE entrance exams over and over to every new intake of ICE students. I know parents want the best thing for us because they tend to have the expectation they want from their children but parents should not force their children because it might be the reason why their children take suicide. I like the charcter of  Rancchordas Shyamaldas Chanchard also known as Rancho (Amir Khan) because he opened the eyes of his dear friends to the reality and made a weak up call to their parents to accept the things that their child wants. The story is really nice that I almost cry it is really amazing and thumbs for all the producers and writers of the movie. ALL IS WELL!!

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