Thursday, February 13, 2014

case6_Project Management

If given the opportunity to be the Project Manager of the programs, what quick solutions to these problems can be introduced?


                    Implementing a specified program to certain area is a big rule to play, especially to the part of the Project Manager. But how do they perform that said activity? What should they do and to avoid to a situation like this? Let’s take a look and discuss what Project Manager deals with and to know them further.

                  The Project Manager will be responsible on behalf of the SRO for day to day execution of the project plan and for dealing with issues that might affect achievement of the plan.  There are things that should be consider and to be plan. All projects involve decision-making and stakeholder relationship management at different points in the project lifecycle and at a variety of different levels. The decision-making element should ensure that a new project does not start or continue. Project Manager has the big responsibilities in implementing a project.

            The project management role is definitely the most challenging of roles within the project team. As the project progresses through its various life cycle stages, project managers must be able to adapt themselves to the changing demands of the project and the team. Much can be found on management theory and practice, when applied to projects consequently everyone will has their own opinion, and will be right in their own contexts as they have experience such thing. We have clarified our experiences, beliefs, thoughts and opinions to what we believe the project management role is and the part the project manager plays in this.

            First and foremost, project management is a like a team sport, and in a team there is a leader that will handle the game and to complete the group of course there should be the members. It’s like playing a basketball if the group is incomplete then definitely they will lose the game. All Teams need a leader, our view is that this is the principal role of the one commonly referred to as the 'Project Manager'. We shall however, continue to refer to the principal project management role as the Project Manager. Every members of the team has the very big duty to perform. In today's modern society it relies on the principal players of the team taking responsibility and accountability for those aspects of the project they have been charged with. Indeed, this attitude should be passed down to all team members irrespective of their level of involvement in the project.
                  According to Immanuel Kant, each individual can legislate for himself or herself the good as a rational being. This moral obligation is what we call “duty”. We do things because it is our duty. Example as a student we have our duty to enroll in a specified University and to get good grades. Also the Project Manager as he handles the implementation of the said online enrolment process of the XYZ University.
                  Many organizations and project sponsors set their projects up to fail because they do not fully recognize how important the project management role is, to successfully manage a project through its life cycle. Managing a project stretches the other day to day duties and responsibilities of a Project Manager. To successfully manage the project management process, requires full-time commitment. Once a Project Manager enters himself or herself to handle a project then it is prohibited to give commitment and loyalty to his or her work. Though in practice time may be shared with other duties and responsibilities, when it comes to the difficulty, the project must get the first call or the attention when a conflict of interest arises like what happen to the online enrolment process of the XYZ University.
This leads nicely to the statement “the mission is the number one Priority, no-one is bigger than the mission!” including the Project Manager!
                  In a University it consist of faculty members, Office members, workers and most especially the main reason why we built school is for the student. Student has the very big role in the school without them the school and all the teachers will be useless. In the situation of XYZ University they encounter some issues of their online enrolment system and to the online programs they have developed which allowed teachers to submit their students’ grades online via the Academic Information System (AIS) and which allowed students to view their grades via the Student Information System (AIS). Imagining me as a student in the XYZ University in their situation it really gave a big headache to perform the said online enrolment system. Thinking how it is so hard to the part of the student. As an individual, I also experience difficulty of the enrolment of our school in the sense that you should be able to enroll yourself personally. There are lot things that is lacking and their system is not good enough handle the entire system of enrolment. Sometimes it takes one week before you can enroll which is really hard in my part. Fortunately, in the situation of the XYZ University it is not that hard as I have experienced hence they have used online enrolment process.
                  It doesn’t only concern to the student but also to the teachers. We all know that there are some teachers or specifically the senior teachers who don’t have computer literacy. Now that the University provided the online program for the teachers for the submission of grade then obviously there will be a huge adjustment for the teachers. To the teacher’s side there are also instances of late uploading of students’ grades. It maybe the student’s fault of the late submission of the project or it is to the teacher’s clumsiness. There are also probabilities that the program is the cause of the issue of the problem.
                  Now as what happened to the situation of the XYZ University the most affected one is the Project Manager who dwells the whole process and all the members who are involve in the said online enrollment system. It can really be a huge trouble to the XYZ University if ever they can’t fix the said issue of the problem. Handling big responsibilities like this will not be as easy as you’ve thought. Many people today wishes to become a manager someday but they don’t even realize how could it be so hard to be in that position. Only deserving and talented people are qualified to be a manager, it doesn’t measure in looks or the way you have talk, it measures in how you think in a difficult situation and being wise. If I will be given a chance to become a manager I will surely assure that things will be fine. I know it will be not easy as what Id expected but putting all the trust that is given to me by the University will be the biggest challenge in my whole life. I will protect their reputation and the trust that they have put in my shoulder. Of course following the Project Management will benefit not only to me but to all the project management. Project manager has to consider some strategy in applying the said system in the hospital. Project managers should have the ability on how to recognize it, categorize it, and, if possible, develop it in others. Having done with some discussion and debate, the only thing that usually identified after considering many of the other topics and skills covered elsewhere is the ability to make things happen even if how hard or easy it will be. People are able to apply their skills and talents in whatever combination necessary to move projects forward, and others cannot, even if they have the same or superior individual skills. The ability to make things happen is a combination of knowing how to be driver in a variety of different situations wither you’re in a big trouble or in a situation when the system is going down, and having the courage to do so.
                  Network nowadays has the very big importance to us people especially to the users of social media like Facebook, twitter, instagram, blog, and so on. There are a lot of things to do in the world of Internet. It makes things easier and faster to do. It also gives learning’s and many discoveries that will let our eyes to the things that we don’t see. It helps to awaken our mind that things are possible to do even though how hard it will be. In every different part of the world Internet is always there. Wherever you go you can sense that internet, it became a tie of once life. It serves as a communication to the families that are far away from their love ones. A way of communicating each other, just imagine if time comes that internet will be gone. How could people adjust? How could they live without Internet?

                  Maybe you will get to the point of asking yourself what is Active Network? Active Network is a technology and Media Company that helps millions of people finds and registers for things to do and helps organizations increase participation in their events and activities. Now that Internet has been used by many it has also applied in some University like the online enrollment system. It allows Internet to fully transform a slow process of enrollment into a more efficient one.
                  In these days, time, effort and money are such vital things that have to be used very efficiently to have a satisfactory outcome whatever work is to be done. Modern day technology makes life simple and easy in many ways. The Internet, is an example, it is a very helpful tool for the students for research purposes. It also features online applications like Enrollment System, and Grading System that was implemented by XYZ University that help individuals to work through the World Wide Web. In the situation of the XYZ University, they are already implementing Online Enrollment System for the ease and convenience of the students.
One of the problems was the late upload of grades for the student. The student’s starts to encounter some problem of the said online enrollment system which is really hassle. Students were wasting a lot of time in doing such.
                  There are lots of advantages in implementing online enrollment system of the XYZ University. First Easier for Parents, parents do not have to wait in line and fill out redundant forms. Updating information is easier and so are payments for school supplies, yearbooks and other school related expenses. Second Financial Security, XYZ University doesn't have to worry about handling cash and entering information. Parents can use credit cards for payments. Generally Online Registration systems use standard secure access (SSL, Username and Password). Third Financial Accountability, with online payments, financial transactions are more transparent and auditing is easier. Your school personnel and your parents will have access to records of payments more easily. Fourth Information Stored Centrally and Shared More Easily, the school can keep all information in a central location with seamless integrating and updating with other private schools, independent schools, school districts and charter schools who use the Student Information Systems. Of course if there are advantages then disadvantages also occur in matter. Here are the following statements for implementing online enrolment system of XYZ Company. Parents who don't have Internet Access perhaps the biggest disadvantage is that not all of the parents at the school may have access to the Internet easily. Although most public libraries offer Internet services for free, those can't be used for payments securely and parents who don't have Internet may not easily have transportation to get to the library either. One solution to this possible problem is to have time set aside at the school for parents who need to use school computers to do their registration process. Most probably, that will be a small number of parents. Initial Set-up, as with any new computer system, there will be a period of set-up and training for staff. Most of the time, there are also glitches that occur in any new program which can sometimes take staff time and energy to solve. Computer Outages, any problem with your computer network can potentially cause problems in the online school registration too. That might happen if there are many people trying to register at the same time. Of course, if staff has to enter all of the information that is written down in long hand by parents in the regular registration process, that is also affected by computer glitches.

                   In this case of XYZ University the Project Manager didn’t prepare some alternatives that might be able to help them with the project. Management alternatives should be studied and prepared during the planning stage in order to provide alternative courses of action, keep plans flexible to cope with unforeseeable changes and give government an unbiased look at the problems and their solutions. The best time to consider alternatives is when the field survey data are being gathered and analyzed and the preliminary or interim report is being written.

                   It’s important for everyone to fully understand how to manage projects. As what our teacher have discussed Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. It is also a process of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, closing and for this the project manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the project objectives. Unfortunately the Project Manager didn’t perform it well which leads to the failure of implementing the system in the XYZ University. The success or failure of any project often hinges on how it will introduce by the project management, who will accept the deal that will relate to their needs and satisfaction. The success of a system made by the project management will also depends on the capability and model. The willingness to learn and how determined a person can be in his work. If a person was able to love his or her work then for sure the result will be good and success as well. It’s like selling your product to your customer, all the tricks and fallacy will applied in order to sell it out. Sometimes it not just by measuring how smart you are in handling a project, it also matters on how diligent you are in a specified job.

            A good practice of a Project Manager must follow Project Management in order to have a success implementation of the said system According to some article that I’ve been reading these things must be follow. First the Project Manager must prepare the Project Initiation, It is where you create a sound baseline for management of a project by taking current understanding of the question what and why and extending it to include a detailed definition of how, when and by whom in a Project Initiation. The main purpose of this project initiation is to provide the information required by the senior management and the stakeholders to enable them to adopt the proper resources. It is a sort of contract between the Project management of the XYZ University that defines how the project will be run. It define the detail on how the system will be developed and when to use and provides a more detailed understanding of the costs and benefits of the Electronic Medical record System, in particular, the resources, risks required for the successful system. In the case of the University some problems occur.

            The Project Manager must identify and gain commitment from appropriate individuals to participate in project management roles especially in their implementation of the Online Enrolment System in the XYZ University. If any individual appointed to a project role lacks experience of working in a project environment the project manager should brief them and manage their expectations to make sure they fully understand the nature of the commitments they are making. In terms of the time and effort they must devote to the system, having focus in the assigned task can prevent from complication and spending it well can minimize conflict. The sort of decisions they must take must be discuss by a whole not just by an individual only. How it would it become successful if you lack communication and understanding with one another. The people and organizations they will need to communicate with, is one also of the things to consider for us to know whom to trust and to whom to take measures of advice. Considering some risk in a project also helps to determine the positive and negative effect in the system applied in the hospital. We cannot predict what might be able to happen and being ready all the time is adequate. If the project manager too lazy in updating and checking his or her members then it is already expected that things will be ruin. Monitoring progress of the system and identify and take action to deal with any potential or actual exceptions that might help achievement of the project's objectives.

            Managing the team and activities in meetings, communicating, supporting, and helping with decisions can achieve the goal in the XYZ University. In having a situation of handling teams there is some advice to follow, a wonderful maxim attributed to Catherine the Great “Praise loudly, blame softly”. Communicate progress and successes regularly to everyone. In a development team any problem is always ultimately down to you anyway. Use empathy and conflict handling techniques, and look out for signs of stress and manage it accordingly. A happy positive team with a basic plan will outperform a miserable team with a brilliant plan, every time. Manage, motivate, inform, and encourage, the development team and the client.

            Finally, project manager varies sharply on its aimed largely at answering ‘How can we get this system done effectively and efficiently’ and the question, how can we make this process more adaptive, responsive, in a rapidly changing, multi-project environment. The two concepts are highly complementary, and work together to boost school productivity and effectiveness. By that having a good project manager will really comprehend the right objectives to be follow and will guide the school. Project Manager must show leadership by spending the time it takes to plan, set goals and strategies, prior to embarking on projects. Project managers must be bold enough to contribute and give feedback when executives' expectations are unrealistic. Team members must get on board once projects have begun and task assignments have been communicated.



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