Thursday, March 19, 2015


"PAPA JACK ® @PapaJackQuote
Appreciate everything, regret nothing.
The best things happen unexpectedly.
Even the nicest people have their limits.
Don't fall for sweet words. Fall for sweet actions.
All I need is someone who is ready to accept my flaws.
The worst feeling ever is the thought that you missed your chance.
Nobody cares how much you care, until you leave them and only then do they realize how much you are worth.
Small things sometimes means a lot.
Treat me right, and I’ll treat you even better.


for the char

Students from Davao dominate SWEEP Open Competition

by SMART Public Affairs | Mar 17, 2015
[17 March 2015] A mobile application that automatically sends an SOS text to emergency hotlines when you call out for help; another one that facilitates quick response from auto repair shops during road mishaps or when your vehicle bogs down; an interactive gaming app that sharpens your knowledge on local heritage and tourism spots, as well as Philippine history; an app that lets you stay in touch with friends without the need for Internet connection; and one that allows foodies not only to check the nearest restaurant or food joint but the actual feel and look of the place and the food.
A mobile application that automatically sends an SOS text to emergency hotlines when you call out for help; another one that facilitates quick response from auto repair shops during road mishaps or when your vehicle bogs down; an interactive gaming app that sharpens your knowledge on local heritage and tourism spots, as well as Philippine history; an app that lets you stay in touch with friends without the need for Internet connection; and one that allows foodies not only to check the nearest restaurant or food joint but the actual feel and look of the place and the food.
These are mobile apps designed by students from the University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP) that emerged winners of the first-ever Open Competition at the recent 11th SWEEP Innovation and Excellence Awards organized by wireless leader Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart).
The new category was introduced to students from both partner-schools under the Smart Wireless Engineering Education Program (SWEEP), and non-SWEEP schools.  Entries were accepted based on criteria set by the Smart Developer Network (SmartDevNet), the telco’s developer community program.
“We have expanded the SWEEP Awards to encourage students from schools all over the country to design mobile apps that address common problems. If these apps can be commercialized, they will add to the suite of services that Smart can offer to its subscribers,” said Ramon R. Isberto, head of Public Affairs at Smart.
Jason Dy’s TextPlus, Zaneth’s The Adventure of Juan, Janda Magno’s Autofix, Louella Jane Catilosa’s SOS App, and Quincy Sacdalan’s Food Travel have bested other entries that competed for the SmartDevNet Award for the top five mobile and web applications utilizing location-based services and SMS technology.
“For the first salvo of the SWEEP Open Competition, we chose mobile apps that utilize SMS and location-based services because these are apps that have the most potential to be commercialized.  We will assist these students in transforming their ideas into viable services that we can offer to our subscribers,” said Mellissa Limcaoco, head of Digital Innovations and Value Added Services.
Apart from cash prizes, the five winners will get market runway support from SmartDevNet towards the commercialization of their apps. The students were given a year to pursue commercialization of their apps.  Once successfully commercialized, they will get additional cash prizes as well as a share of the revenues.
The students are all taking up Information Technology at USeP, which is a partner-school under SWEEP, the longest-running telco-academe linkage that seeks to enhance the quality of engineering and IT education in the Philippines.
TextPlus is a messaging app that can send messages without the need for Internet connectivity and GSM.  Using Bluetooth technology, this messaging app is limited to recipients that are located nearby.
“We originally wanted to create an offline social media application, but I wanted something that would be more useful than just socializing so I came up with an idea of a texting app.  The biggest challenge is our lack of skills on mobile peer-to-peer connection. Mobile file sharing was never taught in class so we had to learn everything by ourselves,” said Jason Christopher Uy.
The Adventure of Juan
This is a gamified and innovative way of searching for tourist spots and establishments in the Philippines.
“I want to promote Philippine tourism and culture in a fun and interactive way.  I believe this app has a strong potential for commercialization.  It will help boost the tourism sector and support industries.  Its interactive platform will encourage users to learn about Philippine history, culture, and facts,” said Zanneth Mae Dinopol.
Vehicle owners will find this app useful for emergencies as it facilitates faster response from auto repair shops.
“Overheating vehicles especially with the onset of summer can create traffic jams.  This app will help vehicle owners contact repair shops for quick response.  This is a promising app for commercialization given the market need,” said Janda Samantha Magno.
This app makes the mobile phone a lifeline during emergencies, or especially when a crime is about to be committed.  It allows the user to send a SMS for help to an emergency hotline and loved ones.  The SMS functionality is triggered by the user’s voice saying the key word (help or the equivalent in the vernacular) on a pre-set volume and decibel level.
“I am not a superhero or a policewoman, but I can help prevent crimes from happening and save lives through this app. People tend to shout when in distress, and this app will trigger a pre-set SMS to emergency hotlines.  The challenge was to come up with an app that requires minimal effort from the user,” said Louella Jane Catilosa.
Food Travel
By utilizing augmented reality, existing food establishments—menu, amenities offered, location—can be featured in one’s mobile phone.
“I am a food enthusiast.  I thought of an app that will help food enthusiasts like me to locate food establishments.  While there are other similar apps in the market, the use of Augmented Reality technology will set it apart from the rest,” said Quincy John S. Sacdalan.
Smart has been promoting the culture of innovation among schools to help make students industry-ready by the time they graduate in college. To know more about SWEEP, click on, or follow us on Facebook (
SWEEP Open Competition winners. Five students from the University of Southeastern Philippines in Davao City won the five best mobile apps under the first-ever SWEEP Open Competition. Awarding the prizes are from Smart executives Chito Bustamante (leftmost), and Paul Pajo (2nd from right); and Earl Martin Valencia, president and co-founder of IdeaSpace Foundation, the incubator arm of the group of companies in the Philippines led by Manuel V. Pangilinan.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Paper 1 (FTS)

Going to different places is indeed an exciting adventure for me. It makes me so refreshing to discover new spots especially outside the country. One of my dream places that I want to visit is in South Korea, I want to see those beautiful trees they have especially the cherry blossom. But since I am still a student all I need to do is to finish my studies and do my duty as well. This coming September we will having our Field Trip in Manila, since it’s in our curriculum to have the subject which is consist of three units.
                Suppose to be we should get the subject last semester but unfortunately we weren’t able to grab it because of some instances and decided to have it this semester. As what I remember we have our very first meeting last semester. We were able to discuss the different Filed Trip Seminar Models as our option. These are the following FTS model:
Model A = 1 Major Fieldtrip (outside Mindanao) + 1 minor fieldtrip (Mindanao) + 1 seminar (national) + 2 hrs. Interpersonal skills;
Model B = 1 Major Fieldtrip (outside Mindanao) + 2 minor fieldtrip (Mindanao) + 2 seminars (8hrs) (Mindanao) + 2 hrs. Interpersonal skills and
Model C = 3 Minor fieldtrips (Mindanao) + 4 seminars (16hrs) (Mindanao) + 2hrs Interpersonal skills.
                We have voted and were given those term papers to be given by our parents which have the final decision to vote on which model they prefer. But for me I will choose model A. Indeed it’s a little bit expensive but I think we can afford it. I know some of my classmates are having problems financially but I know they can do it. There are ways to find money because money is anywhere you can find it depending on how you would you use your ability and to do some ways to earn money. You can sell foods in the school and have part time job. Those simple things may help you it is just on how wise you are in facing them.  It is a once a lifetime experience with your friends and classmates and of course I will treasure those moments. Having with your friends is a joyful thing that you cannot explain if there with you. You will discover their different attitudes that you didn’t notice when you’re still together and you will be just surprise because they have that unique ability that only them can do. A funny little thing could happen, especially when you’re together within a long week.
                I’m really excited for our field trip I’m already thinking of the things that I could do. Since the majority has decided to choose model A which has one major Field Trip outside Mindanao which they prefer in Manila and has one minor field trip in Mindanao I forgot where specifically but I think near in Davao. By now we are discussing on distributing money every month so that it would not be hard for us to give full payment. For this month of June 27, 2014 we are task to pay seven thousand pesos for our plane ticket. As of now we are finding promos so that we can save money. Seven Thousand pesos is for back and forth plane travel since we will stay in Manila for five days. For those five days we will have different activity and different company to visit which are related with our course field. Choosing Model A is a little bit complicate if we talk about money because not all of us can afford the budget. But choosing Manila to be our major Field Trip will give an advantage to us student since in Manila big and popular Companies are in there. Visiting those Companies will help us to have learning’s or will give knowledge that we didn’t know and might give as the idea. Experiencing different things will really help you it’s like encountering different problems in life. As you encounter those different situations you will know more on how to handle things properly It is like molding you to became a new person who is more determine to do things rightly and just.
                For now I am finding people who are good hearted person that is willing to give help by donating money by way of solicitation. Having solicitation may really help especially to those have many relatives that could help them. Like me I have only few friends here in my current place in here in NCCC Village Bajada. For four years of living here I can only count those people who know my name that’s why I have the problem of whose are where would I give this solicitation letter. Last Sunday June 22, 2014 I went to Santa Cruz Davao Del Sur and visit my brother and my few relatives there. For two days of staying in Santa Cruz I enjoyed those days with chitchatting my brother and play with my nieces. Then I told my cousins to help me regarding with my expenses so I decided to give some solicitation letter to her. It doesn’t matter how big or small they might give as long as they tend to help.
                For this coming September I will list all the things that should be done and the places that I want to go especially in Mall of Asia, divisoria and most especially in Enchanted Kingdom. I will take the challenge in “Ride all you can”. It would be so great and will definitely precious moments with my friends. Having in different places will let you learn something. Experiencing adventure is a worth thing to have. We are so excited we just can’t hide it. Some of our professors will go with us and I think Sir Pabilona and our boss Sir Gamboa will be one of our guidance in travelling to Manila. Good Luck and God Bless to us.

Register your Blog Louella Jane H. Catilosa 

Meeting 4 (FTS)

It was on July 07, 2014 and we have to discuss again about the progression of the papers for our Field Trip and it’s a good news because the president of the school have already signed the papers and were very mush happy to the news. We have paid five hundred pesos for the initial payment for Maynilad. We also tackled about the breakdown of paying money and everybody has agreed with the given dates. We’re also divided into eight to groups for our room.

Meeting 6 (FTS)

It was Friday in the afternoon we have to decide to meet again for further information regarding with our Minor Field Trip that would be held at Synnex - Concentrix, Damosa Davao City that would be on August 28,2014. As we have discussed the preparation we have also decided to wear uniform that symbolizes us that we are proud as Usepians. So at first I wonder why the FTS president chooses Concentrix and she explained to us the reasons behind it. After discussing about the preparation for our Minor Filed trip our professor had his speech regarding with the major field trip that would be held in Manila. We have the feeling that it would be a bad news since I’ve already heard about the news that happens in Bulacan regarding with the incident happen with the seven students. We feel so down about the news of the possibilities that it would be cancelled, it is not only about us but also our parents and guardians who find ways in getting money just to send us to manila. In spite of that news we really wanted to go in Manila because all the efforts had already done and were hoping for a good final result.